Thursday, July 30, 2009

Having your tonsils out isn't all bad.

Okay, that's a lie. It truly is as awful as they tell you it will be, at least as an adult. That's why I've had limited shooting time lately.

This morning, though, I felt up to a few shots.

There are some exceptions to the whole "getting your tonsils out is the worst experience ever" thing.

Exception A:

You have pretty drinks for breakfast:

Okay, maybe that's not the best idea of breakfast for some, but right now this is heaven in a glass for me.

Exception B:

Sometimes you get flowers:

These are both from a get-well bouquet I received. I love the light on the first one - the sun was just streaming in and light up all those pretty details. It almost looks like a backdrop, but it is not. Just a high aperture and light in the right places.
The daises almost have a milky, cloud-like feel to them. As if you were able to reach out and touch them, you know they would be soft and velvety.

Hopefully, I'll find more time soon for photos! I'm just itching to have a do-over shoot on that wine glass!

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